Work with Me


Weekly Warmup

From January to May 31st, 8 AM PST, I’ll be running a free weekly 20 minute class exploring different body (and brain) warmups from a wide range of modalities, from theraband basics, mobility, somatics, pilates, yoga, and more. After the warm-up, there will be time for general questions or things you’d be interested in learning more about.

To register, go to the scheduling calendar below for free warm-up. Upon registering, you’ll be sent the zoom link for the weekly class. If you’re having trouble with the calendar, click here to be taken directly to the sign up link! 

Refine Your Spine

June 19th, 12-2PM PDT $35

If you've been struggling with back discomfort, fatigue, neck stiffness, or just want to expand your knowledge about the spine in movement and music, this workshop is for you!

Together with Dr. Janice Ying, DPT, of Opus PT, we will explore basic bony and muscular anatomy, movement strategies, and help you expand your self-care toolbox, both for yourself and your students. Dr. Ying will additionally discuss some common spine issues she sees in working with musicians, which can help both you and your students!

To register, go below to the scheduler below or click here to go to the direct scheduling link.

Private Sessions

In private sessions, we can address topics in fitness, yoga, pilates, instrumental setup, or anatomy. I work with musicians on a weekly and biweekly basis, as well as those looking for a check up from time to time or who just want a “tune-up” of exercises. I work with people in both half hour and hour time frames, and payment for musicians is sliding scale, $35 per hour-$100. To book, send me an email to make sure we’re a good fit.